"Some Sales Orders or Estimates may be incorrectly marked as closed or display incorrect invoiced quantities"
Quickbooks displays the following error message:
"Some Sales Orders or Estimates may be incorrectly marked as closed or display incorrect invoiced quantities".
Other Error Codes
You may see any of the following error codes:
Sales Orders or Estimates may be incorrectly marked as closed.
Sales Orders or Estimate or display incorrect invoiced quantities.
Error Description
This error indicates that QuickBooks has detected data corruption and some sales orders or estimates may be incorrectly marked as closed or display incorrect invoiced quantities. The solution is to locate the transactions causing this issue by running a verify and looking at the
QBWin.Log file. If there are only a few records to fix, you can do it manually be going to each record and saving each record. If there are hundreds of transactions that need to be fixed, you are better off using a data recovery service to fix the issue.
How to Fix this Error?
"Guaranteed Recovery, or no charge!"
If you are unable to resolve the error using the basic troubleshooting steps mentioned above, your data file is most likely to be corrupted and will need to be repaired using a
Quickbooks Data Recovery Service.
We work with all versions of Quickbooks from DOS version 1.0 to Quickbooks Enterprise/Premier/Pro/Pro Plus 2016. We also work with all international versions of Quickbooks: Quickbooks US, Quickbooks Canada, Quickbooks UK, Quickbooks Australia and NZ (ReckonAccounts).