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DynaFont TrueType HK Gallery Pro. ePub. Lic. (Win)
Discounted Price: HK$ 12,800

DynaFont TrueType HK Gallery Pro. ePub. Lic. (Win)Product code:DTTHKGPEL

支援 PDF 字型內嵌功能,可製作有合法版權
網上出版 Web Publishing、
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光碟出版 CD / DVD / BD Publishing

Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista 作業系統
每套字約佔硬碟 4-28 MB 空間

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
DynaFont TrueType HK Gallery Office ePub. Lic. (Win)
Discounted Price: HK$ 7,800

DynaFont TrueType HK Gallery Office ePub. Lic. (Win)Product code:DTTHKGOEL

支援 PDF 字型內嵌功能,可製作有合法版權
網上出版 Web Publishing、
電子書出版 e-Book Publishing、
菲林及電腦直接製版 CTP、
光碟出版 CD / DVD / BD Publishing

Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista 作業系統
每套字約佔硬碟 4-28 MB 空間

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
DynaFont OpenType HK Gallery ePub. Upg. Lic. (Win)
Discounted Price: HK$ 10,000

DynaFont OpenType HK Gallery ePub. Upg. Lic. (Win)Product code:DOTHKGEUL

DynaFont OpenType HK Gallery ePub. Upg. Lic. (Win)

Pls call (852) 2398-1908 or email to enquiry@insightHK.com for details
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