"QuickBooks has Experienced a Problem and Must be Shut Down"
Quickbooks displays the following error message:
"QuickBooks has Experienced a Problem and Must be Shut Down". We apologize for the inconvenience. QuickBooks must close immediately. Any unsaved data will need to be re-entered.

Other Error Codes
You may see any of the following error codes:
00000 28579 00012 95264 19745 07123 00528 51985 00000 28704 00046 43952 19850 67452 00626 82385 00000 28738 00106 12720 19785 85967 00926 32681 00000 49967 00457 74097 19854 60668 04026 53184 11296 98535 13756 27190 19896 90091 13984 62499 14358 58537 19598 33528 19976 87157 19714 92467 14468 32777 19605 56988 20146 06269 19723 60047 19345 32280 19710 33715 20271 20000 19725 50076 13764 11626 13756 27337 20888 39771 14277 46262 13756 27327 13756 77190 20888 39915 14295 81498 00000 73091 00499 02865 20888 39931 08422 16502
Error Description
This error indicates that QuickBooks has detected corruption and can no longer access your data file or a section of your data file. There are several possible causes of the error. First, you may want to try and restart your computer and your database server to see if this resolves the error. If that doesn't work, make sure QuickBooks is configured properly and the computer that hosts the data file is working properly.
How to Fix this Error?
"Guaranteed Recovery, or no charge!"
If you are unable to resolve the error using the basic troubleshooting steps mentioned above, your data file is most likely to be corrupted and will need to be repaired using a
Quickbooks Data Recovery Service.
We work with all versions of Quickbooks from DOS version 1.0 to Quickbooks Enterprise/Premier/Pro/Pro Plus 2016. We also work with all international versions of Quickbooks: Quickbooks US, Quickbooks Canada, Quickbooks UK, Quickbooks Australia and NZ (ReckonAccounts).